Deutz 5120 TTV Tractor V 1.0
Deutz 5120 TTV Tractor V 1.0
by chance I recently came across a model of a Deutz 5120 TTV. This is an update to the original Hürlimann XM 130. Since I liked the idea, but the implementation was not my case, I have revised the tractor again. I am aware that this is NOT a full replica of the 5120 TTV. It is a umgeskinntes original vehicle, but the model is very close. That’s why I call it as Deutz 5120 TTV prototype!
Among the features: I personally feel conspicuous mods in the game rather disturbing. Therefore, the mod is kept simple and bearing only the known standard functions, say, horn, turn signals, washable, glamor, lights, etc. My goal is not to set new standards in scripting. Those who can not do without special tools, which will probably not be happy with this tractor.
All others I hope you enjoy plow!
Credits: faerdi, agroforestry, GIANTS Software