This is a PDA with similar functionality to the one included with FS13, for FS15.
The PDA is activated with I, the in game PDA has been changed to SHIFT-I. All controls can be modified through Options->Controls. [ / ] are used to cycle through screens, – / = are used to cycle through pages on each screen (cycle through animals, sell locations, etc) and 9 is used to toggle various stats, explained below:
– Map (9 to toggle full-screen)
– Weather / News, – / = cycle through days, 9 to cycle through news
– Storage, – / = cycle through fruits
– Prices of commodities, – / = cycle through sell locations, 9 to display more fruits
– Finances, – / = cycle through days
– Animals, – / = cycle through animals, 9 toggles between capacity and usage/production rates
– Statistics
– Fattening Installation, – / = cycles through animals
There is also an SDK which will be released shortly to allow add-on developers to built their own pages.