MAN TGS 18.480 8X8 TEBBE v 1.0
Here is the MAN TGS 18.480 8×8 BLS Tebbe
it is a Man Tgs truck with a Tebbe Manure speader on the back.
I hope You like it if you dont dont download it.
Attacher Front,Back
Back attacher Block can be hide with
Left door
Right Door
Beacon Back
Bunker Light
Front Worklight
Bumper Hide
Manure Work Position
Giants Software | CebuljCek-modding | Stefan Maurus | JohnDeere7830 | LoonbedrijfNelissen | | Amateur | Sven777b | DeerePowers
BIG thanks to CebuljCek-modding and Stefan Maurus! for the models, without this mod was a driving collision